Marisol Foreman Marisol Foreman

2025 Board of Directors

Each year, the Guild holds elections for new board members, who serve for two years. The board is made up of qualified members who are dedicated to advancing the craft of green building in Colorado and are passionate about leading this organization to the next level. The CGBG Newsletter will announce a call for applications towards the end of the year, and our next election will be held in January 2026. Anyone who is interested in applying should email us at with a bio for the board’s consideration. 

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Marisol Foreman Marisol Foreman

Why Firms Need Sustainability Leads

Click on the header to read the full article:

“In the world of architecture, success metrics often revolve around design awards, revenue, projects won, utilization rates, and team stability. While these are important, the landscape of our industry has been changing, requiring an approach that goes beyond conventional benchmarks. One crucial aspect is the environmental impact of our work, and architects are taking the lead in adopting sustainable practices.”

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Marisol Foreman Marisol Foreman

Meet the Awards Committee Chair

As we embark on the 2021 Design + Honor Awards virtual celebration (September 14), we wanted to know more about what goes into the annual program, what it’s like to serve on the committee, and what we can expect in future years from the program. To learn more, we caught up with Chair Marisol Foreman, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C.

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